8am - 8pm EST

DNA Testing

Our DNA Test service offers a reliable and convenient solution for individuals seeking to establish or confirm biological relationships. Whether you need to determine paternity or establish sibling connections, our advanced testing methods provide accurate results that you can trust.

The Home and Legal DNA Test service is designed to cater to both personal and legal needs. Our Home test kits make it easy for individuals to collect their own samples in the privacy of their homes, while our legal DNA tests adhere to strict chain-of-custody protocols to ensure admissibility in court proceedings.

We understand that navigating through the complexities of DNA testing can be daunting, especially when it comes to legal matters. That’s why our dedicated customer support team is available to guide you through every step of the process, answering any questions or concerns you may have along the way.

When you choose any of our DNA Test service option, you can expect:

1. Accurate and reliable results: Our advanced laboratory techniques ensure precise and dependable DNA testing results.

2. Confidentiality: We understand the sensitive nature of DNA testing, and we prioritize the confidentiality of your information and results.

3. Expert guidance: Our experienced professionals are always ready to assist you, providing clear explanations and guidance throughout the testing process.

4. Convenience: Our home DNA test kits allow you to collect your samples at your own convenience, eliminating the need for multiple visits to our facility.

5. Legal admissibility: If you require a DNA test for legal purposes, our chain-of-custody protocols ensure that your test results will be admissible in court.


Home DNA Testing

Our Home Test DNA Test service offers a comprehensive and convenient solution for individuals seeking to uncover vital information about their genetic heritage. Whether you are curious about your ancestry, need to establish paternity, or simply desire to explore your family tree, our state-of-the-art testing procedures can provide you with accurate and reliable results.

Legal DNA Testing

For those who require legally admissible results, our Legal Test offers the highest level of accuracy and reliability. This option follows a strict chain of custody procedures to ensure the integrity of the samples and results. Our experienced professionals handle every step of the process, from sample collection to analysis, to meet the legal standards required for court cases, immigration applications, and other official purposes.

Rest assured that our DNA Home and Legal Test adheres to rigorous quality control measures, ensuring the utmost precision and confidentiality of your results. With state-of-the-art technology and highly trained staff, we guarantee accurate and reliable outcomes, providing you with the answers and peace of mind you seek.

Whether you seek to resolve family disputes, establish child custody, or simply satisfy your curiosity about your genetic heritage, our Home and Legal Test DNA Test service is here to assist you. We prioritize accuracy, reliability, and customer satisfaction to provide you with the peace of mind and answers you need.


International Documents

At times International legal documents may require affirmation or oath swearing. A notary is usually required for completing this action.



It provides you with the answers and peace of mind you seek, when navigating genetic and legal matters.


DNA tests are known for their high level of accuracy, often exceeding 99%. These tests utilize advanced laboratory techniques to analyze genetic material and compare it to known reference samples, making them a reliable tool for establishing or confirming biological relationships.

The timeframe for receiving DNA results can vary depending on the specific test and the laboratory processing the samples. However, in many cases, results can be available within a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the complexity of the analysis and the volume of tests being processed.

valid Photo ID (see our requirements page). However, some other forms of identification may be required, depending on the requesting agency.

Call +1 (833) 773-2533 For a Free Consultation