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Legal Drafting

Legal Drafting

Signed and Sealed Legals is experience in the field of legal writing, we bring a wealth of expertise and proficiency to every document we touch. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that each document we create is not only tailored to meet your specific needs but is also crafted to withstand the rigorous scrutiny of legal review processes. 

Our deep understanding of the nuances of legal language and our commitment to accuracy and clarity guarantee that the documents we produce are not only comprehensive and compelling but also structurally sound and legally defensible. By entrusting your legal writing needs to Signed and Sealed Legals, you can rest assured that your documents will not only meet but exceed your expectations and stand strong in the face of legal challenges.


Why is Legal Drafting Important?

Legal drafting holds significant importance as it ensures the accurate formatting of documents, the satisfaction of named parties with the details, and the explanation of all legal jargon. It also ensures that the information presented to the court or presiding body is displayed correctly. A legal document should effectively express the intent of the parties involved, be easily understood, and incorporate legally binding language that adheres to judicial standards. Errors in a legal draft can have severe consequences, potentially compromising the intent of the document or rendering it invalid.

We offer our clientele a proficient drafting service that specializes in the preparation of diverse legal documents, including but not limited to court pleadings, employment contracts, non-disclosure agreements, personal declarations, and other pertinent instruments. Our team of experts will meticulously curate your document, incorporating appropriate legal terminology tailored to your unique circumstances, while adhering to the regulatory requisites of your jurisdiction.


What is the nature of Legal Drafting?

Legal drafting is a structured approach to writing legal documents, including court pleadings, agreements, power of attorney, and employment contracts. These documents should incorporate legal language that is appropriate for the specific document and the circumstances in which it will be utilized.

The written words within the document should accurately describe the purpose, rights, and responsibilities of all parties involved. A well-prepared legal document should be agreeable to both parties, ensuring mutual understanding and acceptance. The final draft should be free from errors and fully compliant with applicable judicial standards.

Legal writing transcends mere documentation; it is a meticulous craft where every paragraph and sentence serve as building blocks of precise legal arguments, motions, or requests. The integrity of each word chosen is paramount, as any ambiguity can compromise the document, potentially jeopardizing the case’s entire outcome. 

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Our drafting services can assist with a wide range of legal documents, including contracts, agreements, letters, pleadings, and legal briefs.

Our legal drafters are highly experienced and have a strong background in legal writing and research. They are skilled in drafting clear and concise legal documents that meet the highest standards of professionalism.

Yes, our drafting services can be customized to meet your specific needs. Whether you require a one-time drafting project or ongoing support for multiple documents, we can tailor our services to suit your requirements.

You can submit your Request for Proposals (RFPs) through our online submission portal on our website. Thank you for considering us for your project.

Contact Us

Call +1 (833) 773-2533 For a Free Consultation