8am - 8pm EST

Attorney Assistance

Our Service

Attorney Support Solutions

Our firm provides a comprehensive array of specialized paralegal services and support options, specifically crafted to meet the distinct needs of attorneys practicing in a wide range of legal fields, with a particular focus on small or solo practices. You can rely on us to deliver superior paralegal support that enhances the operational efficiency and effectiveness of your legal practice. In addition, we offer contract staffing or project-based service options, providing you with the flexibility to adapt to your fluctuating needs seamlessly. Our expert assistance is designed to align with your individual requirements and drive the success of your firm. 


 Direct Hire: Secure the expertise of a dedicated paralegal to work directly within your firm, providing ongoing support and assistance.
 Indirect Hire: Utilize the skills of our experienced paralegals on an as-needed basis, without the commitment of a full-time hire.

Assignment or Project-Based Work

Engage our skilled paralegals for specialized assignments or projects, providing you with the efficient management of workload fluctuations and ensuring you meet critical deadlines effectively.

Contracted Paralegal Services

Experience the freedom of utilizing our services on a contract basis, guaranteeing access to skilled paralegals without the burden of traditional staff management or overhead costs related to employment.

How we Support You

1. Corporate Law: Conducting legal research, drafting contracts and agreements, assisting with mergers and acquisitions.
2. Criminal Law: Organizing case files, gathering evidence, preparing trial materials, and assisting in client communication.
3. Family Law: Drafting legal documents for divorce proceedings, managing child custody arrangements, and conducting financial disclosures.
4. Intellectual Property Law: Assisting in trademark and patent applications, conducting IP research, and managing infringement cases.
5. Real Estate Law: Drafting purchase agreements, conducting title searches, and assisting in closings and lease agreements.
6. Employment Law: Reviewing employment contracts, assisting in discrimination cases, and conducting research on labor laws.
7. Immigration Law: Assisting in visa applications, preparing petitions, and conducting legal research on immigration regulations.
8. Environmental Law: Researching environmental regulations, preparing compliance documents, and assisting in regulatory filings.
9. Tax Law: Assisting in tax audits, preparing tax returns, conducting legal research on tax regulations, and managing tax-related documentation.
10. Health Law: Researching healthcare regulations, preparing compliance documents, and assisting in medical malpractice cases.


Areas of Practice

  • Corporate Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Employment Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Family Law
  • Health Law
  • Immigration Law
  • Intellectual Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Tax Law

Contact Us

We would be pleased to offer you a quotation for your project. During our consultation meeting, we will thoroughly review the specifics of your project and the scope of work in order to provide an accurate cost assessment.

Is it individuals, personal entities, startups, established businesses, or corporate entities.

Our service contracts are designed to be adaptable and customizable to meet the specific requirements of our clients. 

Yes, international businesses have the opportunity to engage in contractual agreements and partnerships with our organization for services that align within the parameters of our business operations.

Please feel free to reach out to discuss potential 

Trademarks are identifiable symbols linked to specific brands and serve to safeguard unique signs associated with products or services, such as Puma's iconic Puma logo. On the other hand, copyrights are designed to protect original works of creative expression, including literature, music, and film.

Call +1 (833) 773-2533 For a Free Consultation