8am - 8pm EST

Our Team

Cathy Ann Wilson


Cathy Ann Wilson is an esteemed professional with a demonstrated history of success in the Legal Services sector. In her role as Chief Executive Officer of Signed & Sealed Legals, LLC, Cathy Ann has consistently achieved exceptional outcomes and exhibited outstanding leadership abilities. Her extensive expertise in the legal domain, combined with her steadfast commitment to delivering high-quality legal services, underscores her genuine dedication to her chosen career path.

With a wealth of knowledge and experience from residing and working in diverse cities and organizations throughout the United States, Cathy Ann offers a distinctive perspective in her current position. Her exposure to various business landscapes has provided her with invaluable insights into client needs, fueling her entrepreneurial drive and pursuit of success. Additionally, Cathy Ann is actively engaged in philanthropic efforts, supporting organizations such as Hosea Feeds the Hungry and The Red Cross Society, showcasing her dedication to societal betterment. With her unwavering commitment and exceptional abilities, she is a highly esteemed leader within the Legal Services sector, making her a valuable asset to the industry.

Favorite Quote: Judge each day not by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.                          Robert L. Stevenson

Saalima Wilson


Saalima, an accomplished professional with a wealth of experience in office management and administrative services, took on the leadership position of Manager of Administrative Services at Signed & Sealed Legals in 2021. Her extensive background equips her with the knowledge and expertise necessary for excelling in her current role.

Known for her commitment to maintaining high standards of excellence and efficiency, Saalima handles tasks such as managing schedules, coordinating records, and ensuring compliance with regulations with meticulous care and dedication. Her organizational skills and keen attention to detail enable her to streamline processes, improve workflow, and enhance overall office efficiency.

Through her proactive approach and unwavering dedication to delivering top-notch service, Saalima has successfully enhanced office operations, boosted productivity, and elevated client satisfaction levels. Her ability to drive positive change and her focus on providing exceptional service make her a highly valued member of the team at Signed & Sealed Legals.

Kevin Alozie


Kevin is a dynamic and talented designer who has refined his skills throughout a successful 6-year career in Brand and Visual design. His impressive portfolio demonstrates his ability to craft visually striking and impactful designs that go above and beyond client expectations.

Specializing in developing cohesive brand aesthetics that command attention and make a lasting impact, Kevin blends artistry with strategic insight seamlessly. He has led design teams to create comprehensive brand identities across diverse mediums, showcasing his ability to harmonize creativity with a strategic vision.

With meticulous attention to detail and a keen awareness of market trends, Kevin consistently delivers innovative design solutions that elevate brands and drive engagement. His collaborative approach ensures that a brand’s visual language remains strong and consistent across all platforms.

Kevin’s genuine passion for design shines through in his work, as he continuously seeks to innovate and explore new creative pathways. His objective is not just to meet but to exceed client objectives, producing designs that are not only visually appealing but also strategically effective. By leveraging his skills and experience, Kevin is dedicated to enhancing brand visibility and achieving business goals with optimum efficiency and impact.



Seyi is experienced brand and marketing lead with a passion for creating compelling brand narratives and driving impactful marketing strategies. Adept at translating market trends into innovative campaigns that resonate with target audiences. Skilled in guiding cross-functional teams to deliver cohesive brand experiences. Thrives in dynamic environments, blending creativity with data-driven insights to achieve business growth and brand success.”

Nicole Steiner


Nicole Steiner is a proficient professional with a background spanning both in administrative assistance and paralegal services. Experienced in client intake, file organization, and communication management, she excels in maintaining meticulous documentation and facilitating seamless workflow operations. Having recently attained certification as a paralegal, Nicole is eager to apply her extensive administrative skill set within a legal context.

With over five years of experience in administrative roles, Nicole is adept at professional communication, client liaison, and task prioritization. Her proven track record includes updating files, providing documentation, and collaborating effectively with clients and colleagues. As she transitions into a paralegal role, Nicole’s strong work ethic, adaptability, and collaborative approach position her as a valuable asset capable of delivering positive outcomes and contributing to organizational success.